Plasticblue Elephant, an active member of the Moppet Toybox Community, was tragically killed this morning when he was flushed down the toilet by a 16-month old vandal.
What is particularly horrifying is that the accused is not only unremorseful but actually appears to have enjoyed herself. Witnesses have stated that they saw her standing by the toilet bowl, laughing and clapping her hands with diabolic glee.

Moppet's Mom, I do LOVE your posts!Utterly delicious servings of life-in-a-toddler-household, they are.
And surely potterfever has not gone down, fow why would 'laughing and clapping her hands with diabolic glee' remind me of Sirius?
Hahaha! What a dramatic way of putting what moppet did!
ooo keep the lid down and the door closed...coz pretty soon you'll be hunting for that fav lipstick - and when you dont find it anywhere else - take one look at moppet - and you'll know what she's done with it.....
hahhaha..hilarious..loved it.
It's quite shocking what the new generation is growing up to be like. Why, in my days we would never have dreamt of doing something like that.
We only ever shaved off our Barbies' hair...
(Sue posting in V's account)
I bet all the members of Moppet toy box community have called for more security measures.
I am sorry for the elephant
ROTFL.. you ( and the moppet ) are hilariuos!
It's likely that the accused might suffer bouts of remorse and may shed copious tears in the coming days when she realizes that the Plasticblue Elephant is gone for good.
Wonderfully hilarious! Just loved the post!
MM - lovely post!
Yea Moppet deserves to be let off with a warning only because she is so cute! Clapping with glee - only a child can be so! :) And get away with it!
ROFL: Are these early warning signs of a serial murderer in the making???? Speaking from personal experience....
Hi MM,
Very well written! And so cute. Strange! It neither seemed cute nor funny when 3 small cars caused a traffic jam in the sewer system , courtesy an 18-month-old guy.Yeah! you are lucky, your toilet didn't jam. HA Ha Ha.
Another age-appropriate warning coming up :P Look-out for Books (especially library books-4 to be exact!!!) before tying up the trash.:))) Actually, Now it does seem funny, though:)
Loved the post ! My condolences to the elephant that met such a sorry state :)
Enjoyed reading this :) Hope Moppet inherits your sense of humour.
please inform plastic green zebra that our thoughts are with him.
and the moppet should be told that the next time she laughs with demonic glee, many blogging mothers will be cheering her on...secretly hoping that the cover on their toilets are firmly and securely closed!
Hyuck! Hyuck! It's the middle of the night, and I almost woke up the sleeping mother, by guffawing loudly.... :-D
P.S. You getting better at this....
I absolutely love reading your blog - and Moppet is an adorable devil!:)
JLT: What a lovely comment! Thank you.
NM: Well, since it was a milestone of sorts - her first act of wilful destruction (?!) - I thought some drama was in order :-)
STS: Ah, the voice of experience speaks :-)
Swati, Daisy: Thank you much much - although Plasticgreen Zebra might find your comments just a tad insensitive ;-)
Sue: Younger and more evil, this generation of vandals.
CA: Yes, and Plasticgreen Zebra loves you for being the first to think about the poor elephant.
Mystic: No signs of remorse yet. I'm afraid I'm raising a little gangsta here....
Noon: Yes, well she' been let off this time - but I have a bad feeling it's not going to be the last time this happens...
Kiran: Oh yes, 'tis a slippery slope we're on...
Vidhur: LOL, cars - and 3 no less! But yes, I'm lucky there was no clogging...
And I have to rake through the trash before I throw it out too? Does you know of any military school for tiny tots? ;-)
Poppins: Your condolences have been conveyed to Pgreen Zebra. Thank you!
CoS: Aww, thanks - that's so sweet.
Surabhi: Your condolences have duly been passed on. And no, Moppet will most definitely NOT be told she has a mommy cheering squad! :-)
Tony: Whatcha doing still hanging out at mother's? Where's the husband? :-)
Anon: Thank you.
Had a good laugh before writing.. So all animals will now be terrified of Moppet...
Add me to the mommy cheering squad :D Go Moppet, go Moppet!!
I'll keep an eye on this space to learn what little M may come up with in future. It's been too long since we baby-proofed for S :)
Oh Please do convey our condolences to Plastic Green Zebra.
And irrespective of whether Moppet is informed of the fact or not, she's most definitely going to have a mommy cheerleading squad rooting for her :-) Count me in !!
BTW, I love the way you write.
awe.... that's so cute :)).
have just finished HP7 so am feeling a bit normal now :). have you devoured yours?
Timepass: Yup, and with good reason!
CeeKay: Oh, the way she's going, there'll be plenty of stuff here...
Gauri: Thanks, and thanks :-)
Squiggles Mom: Umm... no. I'm being cheap and waiting for someone to lend me the book, or if I can't find anyone to do that, I'll pick up the paperback when it comes out. I like ol' Harry, but not all that much... :-)
moppet's mom, do you have any idea how tiring it is for a lazyass like me to respond to every post of yours saying that it rocks? Please consider this a blanket reaction to all your entries - they rock my world!
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