And I still haven't got a viable real life name for poor Munch yet.
Anyway, I've decided there's no point in spending time I really can't spare over a nickname. So I just closed my eyes and jabbed my finger at the shortlist and picked the one my finger landed on. (Ok, I cheated, I picked the one my finger landed on on the third try.)

That's it peeps. The Blogger Formerly Known as Moppet's Mom is now Candyfloss.
All that remains is to find a suitably sweet name for the husband. Any ideas for Chocolate ka Baap?
(Oh and the picture is courtesy Google, and nothing like me in case you were wondering :-) My own hair is much curlier, and right now it is not pink. It was once though - remind me to tell you about that sometime.)
Nice Name ...loved it. Waiting to hear abt pink hair tale. Hot Chocolate for the dad ?? Heheheh...
Well, Candyfloss it is indeed for M&M's Mom! Was missing you so much would have quite settled for TBFKAMM or even worse!
Pink!!???? Why? Story, fast...
Nice! You're not bad at this nick thing at all. And your margin-al change in the template is why I miss blogger sometimes.
26 weeks huh? Time sure does fly.
I like I like.
But now I have to really stop myself from thinking of chocolates and candies and buddhi ke baal (Candyfloss in our own matrabhasha) whenver I read your blog or your comments! :P
hmm so change of name?? BTW what plans for Moppet's bday?
Oooh...nice name,Candyfloss :) I am really shocked to know that you had pink hair !!! Do post about it,I am curious.
What fun, Candyfloss!
I like Swati's Hot Chocolate too:)
Candyfloss! Cool name! How about Gummy Bear for the dad? :D
Oh boy...can't get used to the idea of callung you candyfloss!! It sounds tooo dental!! :D
Will try, however!
ROFL! Candyfloss! sorry, M-n-M's M , can't get over the candiness of the name or the hair do :) will get used to it though..
for the dad, how abt ChocoPop?
yes yes yes Kodi's mom...I love Choco-Pop. Such a masculine name! Bet it'd be perfect the the 'bitter'-half of Candyfloss! :D
Tee heee...
Candyfloss? How's Triple-M? Moppet's-n-Munch's-Mom?
Chocopop is nice, though :D
Now all you need to go with that pink hair is a bunny costume (umm.. the sexy kinds not the halloween kinds) candyfloss a.k.a tbfkamm:-)
candyfloss,eh? ok.. its not too bad..but i had kinda got used to Moppet's Mom..
you had PINK hair once!!??! dying to know very intersting aspect of your life..
Well, hello Candyfloss...
I am voting for Chocopop for Moppet's dad - though I might get slaughtered for it in real life ;)
candy floss!! lol! Why not M&m's mom? thats chocalaty enogh na.. or maybe Gems'(M&M= gems ;))mom
candy floss hehe
Hmmm, maybe your husband can be Mr.M&M - and he can choose from the wide variety of colors - red, blue, orange, yellow! ;)
Noooooooo! Candyfloss just doesn't suit you! Nay vote from me!
please dont' make it final!
Mr.M&M sounds good!:)
Choco-pop sounds good too.
Mcube sounds good for you! :)More you than candyfloss is! Too ditsy sounding for a brainy one like you! I refuse to accept this blog name for you! (I know you are saying - hahn - do I care?!) :)
LOL, guys! Ok, confession time - I'm not a 100% ok with Candyfloss, but I figured I wasn't going to waste too much time with a nickname. Plus I'm sure any new name I come up with is going to take some getting used to.
The husband REALLY hates it though, and has been grumbling non-stop ever since.
I like Chocopop for him, but I can imagine some major gripes. I may just have to stick to boring old initials just to save my marriage!
Updates in a bit :-D
Harrumph. I don't like Candyfloss either. So there.
Candyfloss :-D OMG !! I should not have read this now because I cannot even laugh - my throat is that badly infected :-)
And I second K's Mom - ChocoPop !!
So tell me, does Moppet's nick change too ??
nah no candyfloss. you're like dark bitter chocolate, wicked.
Was late to the naming ceremony party.
Candyfloss it is and I second Chocopop too.
(whispers 'candyfloss' in ex-MM's ears three times)
TBFKAMM, methinks Candyfloss lacks "substance". Now, Curly is a badass name - worthy of Moppet's Mom. But if you must sugar-coat it, I strongly suggest you take the quiz to figure out what kind of candy you are.
Null Pointer
Null Pointer: I did consider Curly (and Moe for the husband) but then went with the choco family theme. Oh, and the quiz - apparently I'm a lollipop! Not much better than candyfloss, is it? :-)
Love your name. How about lolliPOP for the dad?
hello, candyfloss! Dang. I have been toying with the idea of a name change too. the mom in my moniker is getting too restrictive.
Dotmom: Welcome back! Yes, when I decided to change, I wanted to drop the Mom thing too, but I must tell you, it's really hard to first pick and then get used to a new name.
And to all of you who hate the name and have told me so (and those of you who are too polite to tell me), just give it a few days ok? Maybe it's just a question of getting used to...
Hi Candyfloss!!!
I like the names-candyfloss & Chocopop.
That reminds me i should think of blogger names for hubby & baby...
I am so behind the times! Now I get it :)
candyfloss? welcome to the confectionary dept :)
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