Wednesday, May 9, 2007

For Ma

I take after my father. I look like him, talk like him, and think like him. I know him, because in many ways, I am him.

My mom is different. Soft-hearted, sensitive, and slightly timid. So different from my father. So different from me. I loved her - she's impossible not to love - but I did not know her.

I did not see the quiet strength that lay underneath that timid exterior. I did not understand her enormous capacity for love. I did not believe she had anything to teach me.

There was no epiphany. The realisation has been slow and gradual. Over the last 10 years, as I find out more about myself, I have begun to understand how much my mom has given me.

It is from her that I get my natural facility with language, and my flair for (melo) drama. It is from her that I get my innate trust in the goodness of other people. She calls it faith.

It is from her that I learnt that the heart can be wise too. That sometimes, backing down is a sign of strength, not weakness. That it's okay to let go, and to ask for help if you need it.

It is from her that I learnt not to be afraid to show affection. To laugh with abandon. To love with every fibre of my being.

I take after my mother. I don't look like her, talk like her, or think like her. But I know her, because in many ways, I am her.

For Ma, on Mother's Day, and every day.
All my love, always.

Ma, with the only person in the world she will happily let pick her beloved flowers


the mad momma said...

oh.. that is almost my life and mother you wrote about... your mother sounds wonderful..

Sunita Venkatachalam said...

But I know her, because in many ways, I am her.

Awesome ! Beautiful post.

Anusha said...

lovely! and very poetic :) time to post on the desi club ;)

Crumbling Cookie said...

Beautifully written MM!

Sunita said...

:) I went from a dad's girl to mom's girl between 1- 10 yrs and then back to dad's girl at 25yrs and now there is only mom to love & re-discover.

By Deepa and Supriya said...


Rohini said...

That was some great writing! Happy Mother's Day!

Daisy said...

love ur posts.. came to ur blog via MM.Your moppet is soo damn cute.. i can hope that i can wirte half as well as you guys do, when i becom a mom...o thats soooooooo far away...

Maggie said...

Thanks everyone. My mom is wonderful and my only regret is that it took me so long to figure it out.

Happy mothers day to you all and your moms!

Daisy - welcome and from what I can see, you're already doing a great job with the writing - mom or not! :-)

Unknown said...

You've described your Mom sooo well. I love her soooo much... she's so warm, kind and nice, and puts up with sooo much madness around her... (Hee.. hee.. Mine too...) And the best is her laugh.... free and without any guile... One of my favourite "friend's moms" :-)

Unknown said...

That was one of the best Mommy posts I have ever read.

anja said...

what a beautiful post..i relate so much. i have truly begun to understand my mum after becoming one.

Anonymous said...

i think this is one of best, most touching posts you've written. :)

Neera said...

bloghopped here from noon's and to this particular post from ur 5 post tag and this made me misty eyed as I felt I am reading abt my own mom. Extremely beautifully written.