Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A weekend by the River Kwai

A not unsuccessful weekend, overall. Moppet was surprisingly well-behaved on the drive to the resort. With a steady supply of otherwise controlled snacks at hand and her moos playing over and over again, she was quite happy to sit in her car seat for the 3 hours it took to get there. The measure of her contentment can be gauged by the fact that she only twice attempted to assassinate her father by aiming her plastic shovel at the back of his head as he drove.

The resort was lovely. Small, with only 10 cottages, it is cosily nestled right on the bank of the River Kwai. The Thai-Dutch couple who run the place were just the right level of friendly, enough to make us feel at home, and yet not overdoing it so much as to be intrusive. Their 20 month old daughter shyly came out to meet Moppet, but then lost her nerve and buried her face in her father's legs.

The mom also came by for a friendly chat with her infant daughter in her arms and completely put me to shame by how gorgeously in shape she was, barely 4 weeks after having her second baby. Of course, that meant I spent the rest of my time around her with my face going red from holding my breath and sucking in my jelly belly (Yes, you can say it, I'm pathetic!). Other than that self-imposed discomfort, our stay there was extremely pleasant.

Moppet got into the groove of things right away. Here you can see her as she explores the cottage and pronounces it satisfactory, lounges on the veranda with her Papa, and impatiently bangs the salt shaker on the table while waiting for lunch at the open-air deck overlooking the river.

Since this was going to be my do-nothing weekend, after I had cleaned and changed Moppet, I banished her to the verandah with her father, while I threw myself on the bed and stayed there. Moppet was quite happy to potter around near the cottage with her shovel and pail, chase down some hapless ants, swallow the odd pebble or two, and make faces at me through the french windows.

On our way back to the cottage after lunch, she spotted the pool and decided she had to take a dip. Because I was looking forward to going back to do-nothing mode, I dissuaded her by pointing out that she didn't have her swimsuit on, and was astonished when she quietened down immediately. Wow, this was something - a new and improved, mature and understanding Moppet. Elated, I practically hopped and skipped back to our room, dreaming of a nice long post-lunch siesta.

Ha! As soon as we reached the cottage, the new and improved, mature and understanding Moppet headed straight to the open suitcase and rooted through it, pulling its contents out onto the floor until she found her swimsuit. Waving it in my face, she kept up a constant refrain of pool? pool? pool? at increasing decibel levels until I finally realised that there could be no siesta.

So off to the pool we went and spent a happy hour or so splashing about and waving hi to random passers by. Refreshed and relaxed (more so than if I had had that siesta, I think), we headed back, decided there was no way we could let Moppet's Papa have the siesta we missed, rudely woke him up, ignored his grumbling, and dragged him off to see the sights.

Up next: The sights, and how I got whacked by a tiger.


Unknown said...

How divine. I wanna go tooo!!! But only if owners wife is not in sight

Sunita Venkatachalam said...

Sounds like fun ! Waiting for the next installment :)

Sunita said...

All the slim-and-trims please stay away from my sight too. Awaiting your 'whacked by a tiger' episode for the twists in the refreshing tale.

Shammi said...

What are you, Shehrezade or something? :) You sure know how to keep a reader hooked!

Anonymous said...

sounds great... eagerly waiting for Tiger episode.

Yashodhara said...

reading you is always such a pleasure..

loved the face-making picture of moppet

Shruthi said...

Kwai as in the Bridge Across the River Kwai? Ooh la la!

Been reading your blog for a couple of weeks now - love your style.

Just Like That said...

Moppet's Mom, what on earth did you do to that tiger?

Ah! *Wise look* You mean you haven't got Moppet into the habit of napping in the afternoon? Most important, that! quite essential if you're the siesta'ing kind, which I am.
Excuse me , if you don't even siesta, how did your belly get into that jelly?

the resort looks and sounds lovely, am envious!

utbtkids said...

So it can still be a vacation with kids in tow- huh?! You are giving me hope Moppet's maom. Glad you had a good time. The picture of Moppet looking through the glass window is too cute.

Squiggles Mom said...

You are so thin!!! And yet you complain about your weight.... what you must have thought of me I don't even want to know :).
I desperately need a holiday. I'm contemplating checking into a hotel in Singapore!!

Savani said...

welcome back :) that is some awsome resort. waiting for the follow up (hope the tiger was the stuffed kind)

Maggie said...

Kiran: Oh yeah, it was the lone sore spot of the trip! :-)

Poppins, Sunita, Aargee: Coming up shortly!

Shyam: LOL! I don't have quite the motivation that she did, thank goodness!

Y: Thank you - and it's mutual.

Shruthi: Welcome! And yes, River Kwai as in The Bridge. We visited it - report coming up in the next installment.

JLT: Why do you assume I did something to the tiger? (Although of course, I did)

Utbtkids: Kid certainly - kids I don't know yet :-) Why don't you try it and let us know!

Squiggles Mom: It's not my weight I'm complaining about - it's the loose, jiggly, doughy mass of flesh called a tummy that was once so flat it was almost concave! And I know what the solution is - about 100 crunches a day - it's just that I do them for about one day after seeing someone like the resort owner and then my natural laziness takes over and that's that.

Maggie said...

Dotmom: No! It was a real, live, tiger!

Anusha said...

i LOVE the new and improved, mature and determined Moppet! I love how she meekly agreed with you at the pool only to throw the swimsuit right back at you! I guess you need to get more creative with your excuses?? ;) waiting for part 2...

Anonymous said...

Kwai as in that movie about the bridge over it? Awesome..!

and what a way to end a post..what are you- one of the writers on ekta Kapoor's serials or something???


Cantaloupes.Amma (CA) said...

Interesting ... now curious on the tiger part ... hope you are not refering to Moppet!!!

By Deepa and Supriya said...

:) looks like a lot of fun and smiling at the thought of you and the owner's wife (that would be me):)
Moppet looks happy!

Shobana said...

sounds like you had some fun ;) and awaiting your tiger episode.


Daisy said...

Lot of fun! Moppet is one cute intelligent cookie!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like lot of fun. The tiger story please!
Moppet is looking way too cute in the pic looking through the window.

Maggie said...

K's Mom: Looks like she's been taking lessons from Kodi :-)

Anu: Yup, the very same. New post on that's just up.

CA, Shobana, Ddmom: I think I may have set the expectations on the tiger story a bit too high! Damn!

Orchid, Daisy: Yes, Moppet was one happy bug the whole weekend, with only some minor lapses.

Choxbox said...

Love the pic of Moppet on the big chair!

Parul said...

Cool story, mm! love the pics :) do ignore all slim resort owners' wives from now on...