Tuesday, July 29, 2008

One month of Munch

It appears Munch is going to be the family clown. Really, I think he's hilarious. I don't recall being this amused by Moppet when she was this age. To be fair though, I was probably too tense and worried about the whole motherhood gig to really enjoy her at that age. But with Munch I'm more relaxed, and able to laugh at all the silly squishy faces he makes, and enjoy the funny squealing sounds he produces without worrying if it's 'normal'.

So I can laugh at all the faces he produced when we were trying to click his passport photo, without worrying about his pronounced baby squint.

Or when he grabs his own hair and squeals in pain, not knowing why his head hurts and not able to do anything about it, I have to admit I laugh heartily before prying his fingers loose. (The memory of Moppet doing this as well came back to me as I saw Munch attempting to scalp himself. It seems there's a good reason why most babies are born bald.)

I was delighted when I got splattered with my first 'fountain' pee. It gets old pretty quickly of course, but the first few times, I was quite fascinated by how far it goes :-) And things that as the mother of a girl, I hadn't considered at all. For example, I realised a little too late that when you lift a little boy's legs to clean his butt, he is very likely to pee on his own head.

He's got quite a repertoire of squeals, grunts and growls, and uses them to best effect while he's feeding. It begins with loud, complaining squeals [what's taking so long? where's my food?], and then once the milk starts flowing, it's frantic gulping accompanied by little squeaks, as if his last feed was 2 days, not 2 hours ago. Then finally, as he settles down, quiet little hums of satisfaction which he keeps up till the end of the feed.

And the other sounds he produces are rather funny too. Like his cough, which sounds like very old person coughing in a baby voice, if you can imagine that. (Oooooooo-uh-uh-uh, he goes, and then follows it up with a big sigh that has me in splits each time). And in the interest of self-preservation when he grows old enough to read, maybe I shouldn't mention his musical farts?

When he's awake, he's happiest when perched on someone's shoulder, bobbing his head up and down and looking around like a curious little bug.

Kodi's Mom has said it far more eloquently than I can, but I need to echo that thought here - until Munch arrived, I couldn't quite imagine what life would be like with a second kid - and now that he's here, I know there couldn't be more perfect little person to complete our family.

*Anti-jinx sign courtesy Dotthoughts


Sukhaloka said...

Hahaahha, it's clear you're enjoying this new motherhood thing :D
Rock on, Magsie!

Anusha said...

LOL! I'd been meaning to do a post on all things that amuse me abt Plane, it would have been pretty much a copy-paste of yours! does Moppet laugh along with you? seems like the season for passport pics, i like hte second pic best - it is a definite wink :)

dipali said...

Such a delightful Munchkin!

Shobana said...

So very precious....loved his look, when perched on the shoulder. How r u Maggie? I have a feeling he looks exactly like Moppet when she was this age...do u have her pics? Do post them.

Mona said...

munch is adorable! the peeing on his own head made me laugh out loud :)
enjoy him mags, he sounds delightful!

Gauri said...

What a delightful post Mags :) Keep them coming :)

And in that pic towards the end of your post - I can't help but say this - he looks so much like Moppet - the eyes, the chin ....

Collection Of Stars said...

You needed the kala tika. Munch is such a cutie :)

Anonymous said...

You made poor Munch pee on his head!! And laughed at that? Oh you mean mommy!!!

Anonymous said...

munchkin is such a cutiepie...
he looks like moppet in that last pic :)

noon said...

Munch looks so cute Mags. That photo of him leaning on someone's shoulder...innocence personified...mmmuah. Brings back memories of KG doing all this - esp the feeding sounds...and the projectile (in her case poop!).
Wish I could see Munch now...

Maggie said...

Suki, Dipali, Mona, CoS: Thank you - yes, I'm having a blast :-)

K's Mom: Oh yes, Moppet giggles right along with me - always makes me laugh even more :-) And don't even get me started about the absurd requirements to get pp for babies - putting tiny thumbprints all over the place, bah!

Shobana, Gauri, Tessie: There is a resemblance, yes - chiefly the noses - otherwise I don't think that they look alike. But I should dig out some baby pics of Moppet and compare....

Deej: Come on! It was funny! :-)

Noon: Projectile poop?! Oh dear, I hope Munch spares me that! I wish we were all closer too...

BangaloreMom said...

LOL Maggie!! I had never realised how different it is each and every time....never thought abt the pee thing till you wrote so hilariously about it...

God bless the happy family!!

Savani said...

he is such a trip :) do you know they sell lil pee-pee caps in stores to umm.. diffuse the stream. gosh.

Anonymous said...

Oh he's so so so cute!!!!

Tharini said...

Sooo sweet mags! The little love looks so cuddly and cute. How I miss that lost little boy expression. *kala tika*

Priyanka said...

'Oooooooo-uh-uh-uh, he goes, and then follows it up with a big sigh' - LOL, so CUTE !!

Anonymous said...

dig 'em up and post 'em :)
i'll chk out the resemblences :)

B o o said...

We should take turns for our little ones updates and cheat like Ks mom did! ;) Antu is the same too except for the peeing in the head part of course! ;) Since Ashu was bald as a baby, its hilarious to see Antu pulling her own hair and crying. Is it a sign that we ll be pulling ours soon??

By Deepa and Supriya said...

:)...alirghty then..looks like u r settling well into second time mommyhood

Noodlehead said...

awww, much sounds so adorable! and glad to know you're having a blast :) Lol about the peeing on the head bit.

Parul said...

What a cool little boy! I think I like him a lot already :-)

Unknown said...

What a handsome wee lad!!!! He's adorable...and yes, the fountain pee is fascinating at first, but the novelty soon wears off when it hits you in contact lensed eye

Mama - Mia said...

first time here (i wonder why!), but betta late than never!!

much is awesomely cute and the post, really fun and funny! :)



Cuckoo said...

Dropped in for the first time I think. Love your li'l one's adorable faces. My son is 9 weeks old and I so relate to what you've written in.